Friday 12 October 2018

South Sudan Prisoners Take Control Of National Security Facility In JUBA

South Sudan’s National Security Headquarters also known as Blue House 
South Sudan prisoners currently being detained in the notorious national security Blue House have broken into a gun store and taking gun resulting into taking control of the National Security facility, several sources have said this morning. 
The incident, one source said the heavily armed police have surrounded the National Security facility and headquarters also known the Blue House in the National capital Juba in anticipation of possible armed confrontation.
Although the prisoners have told the Voice of America, it is possible that armed clashes could take place anytime between the armed prisoners and the heavily armed South Sudan police and security guards.
The standoff started at 11:30s PM South Sudan’s local time on Saturday according to the source which said the standoff between the two side is likely to cause chaos in the notorious national security facility.
“The breaking into the national security’s Blue House started at 11:30s in the night on Saturday and the anticipated clashes can happen any time this Sunday as the prisoners are demanding that they are granted guarantee that they will be served with due process as some of them are detained arbitrarily,” the source said.
However, detained activist and Youth Leader Peter Biar Ajak told the Voice of America this morning that there is a relative calm by the time of speaking to the VOA but he said he along with other unarmed detainees were hiding.
“Safety now is very relative, we are now in a situation where we don’t know what may happen,” Biar said. adding that “What we are hoping for is that the government of South Sudan is able to resolve this and is able to negotiate to those who have taken this decision to resort to this kind of armed protest.
Another detainee, Abraham Majak Maliap, who said he has been in detention since late 2017 told the VOA that they have been deceived by the many degrees issued by the president that they will be released but after all, everything that had been degrees by the President.
“The president has been decreeing a lot of decrees and we have not yet been released and our names have been replayed and replayed but all those things are fake, they are not true,” Majak said.
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